How to Implement a Thread-Safe Singleton Class in Java?

How to Implement a Thread-Safe Singleton Class in Java?

The Singleton design pattern ensures that a class has only one instance while providing a global point of access to that instance. Implementing a thread-safe Singleton in Java is critical when your application is running in a multithreaded environment. This article explains how to implement a thread-safe Singleton class in Java using several methods, ensuring only a single instance is created even when multiple threads are involved.

What is a Singleton Design Pattern?

The Singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one single object. This ensures that the class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. The pattern is commonly used for logging, driver objects, caching, thread pools, and database connections, where having multiple instances would cause problems.

Thread-Safety Considerations in Singleton

In a multithreaded environment, it’s essential to ensure that only one instance of the Singleton class is created, even if multiple threads are attempting to access it simultaneously. Without proper synchronization mechanisms, two or more threads could end up creating multiple instances of the Singleton class, violating the core concept of a Singleton.

Thread-Safe Singleton Implementation Methods

There are several ways to implement a thread-safe Singleton class in Java, including:

  • Using Double-Checked Locking
  • Using Bill Pugh Singleton Design (also known as the Initialization-on-demand holder idiom)
  • Using Enum Singleton
  • Using Early Initialization

1. Double-Checked Locking

Double-Checked Locking is a method that minimizes the performance overhead of acquiring a lock by checking if the instance is already created before synchronizing. Here’s how you can implement it:

public class Singleton {
      private static volatile Singleton instance;

      private Singleton() {
          // Private constructor to prevent instantiation

      public static Singleton getInstance() {
          if (instance == null) {
              synchronized (Singleton.class) {
                  if (instance == null) {
                      instance = new Singleton();
          return instance;


  • volatile keyword ensures that the instance is not cached and all threads see the same value.
  • The synchronized block ensures that only one thread can execute the block at a time, guaranteeing that only one instance is created.
  • The double check (if-else) ensures that we do not lock every time we access the Singleton, improving performance after the first instantiation.

2. Bill Pugh Singleton Design (Initialization-on-demand holder idiom)

This method leverages the static inner class, which is loaded only when it’s referenced for the first time, ensuring lazy initialization in a thread-safe manner. Here’s the code example:

public class Singleton {
      private Singleton() {
          // Private constructor to prevent instantiation

      private static class SingletonHelper {
          // Static inner class will only be loaded when referenced
          private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();

      public static Singleton getInstance() {
          return SingletonHelper.INSTANCE;


  • The SingletonHelper class is not loaded into memory until the getInstance() method is called.
  • Since the INSTANCE field is final, it will be initialized only once, ensuring that the Singleton instance is thread-safe without requiring synchronization.

3. Enum Singleton

Using an enum is considered the simplest and most effective method for creating a Singleton class in Java. Enums inherently guarantee thread-safety and prevent multiple instances from being created. Here’s the implementation:

public enum Singleton {

      public void someMethod() {
          // Method logic here


  • Java ensures that enum values are created only once and are thread-safe by default.
  • Using enums eliminates the need for synchronization or double-checked locking, making it the safest approach for Singleton in Java.

4. Early Initialization

This approach creates the Singleton instance at the time of class loading. While it’s simple, it has the downside of not being lazy-loaded, meaning the instance is created even if it’s never used. This is how it looks:

public class Singleton {
      private static final Singleton instance = new Singleton();

      private Singleton() {
          // Private constructor to prevent instantiation

      public static Singleton getInstance() {
          return instance;


  • The instance is created at the time of class loading, ensuring thread-safety without the need for synchronization.
  • However, it may waste resources if the Singleton is never used, as the instance is created regardless of its need.

Choosing the Right Approach

When deciding which method to use, you should consider:

  • Performance: Double-Checked Locking can be a good option if performance is a concern and you want to ensure lazy loading.
  • Ease of use: The Bill Pugh Singleton Design (Initialization-on-demand holder idiom) is highly recommended as it offers thread-safety without explicit synchronization.
  • Simplicity and guarantees: Enum Singleton is the most robust approach but is limited to use cases where a Singleton is enough, as it doesn’t allow customization beyond basic behavior.
  • Resource usage: Early Initialization may be suitable for cases where the Singleton needs to be created regardless of usage but can cause unnecessary resource consumption.


Implementing a thread-safe Singleton class in Java requires careful consideration of thread synchronization mechanisms. Each approach offers its own advantages and trade-offs. Double-Checked Locking and Bill Pugh Singleton Design are great choices for lazy initialization and thread safety. On the other hand, Enum Singleton provides a simple and foolproof approach, while Early Initialization might be a good fit when instantiating the class upfront is acceptable. Choosing the right implementation will depend on your specific use case and performance considerations.

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