What is an IdentityHashMap in Java?

What is an IdentityHashMap in Java?

The IdentityHashMap is a special type of Map implementation in Java that compares keys and values using reference equality (i.e., using the == operator) rather than the usual equals() method. This makes it distinct from standard HashMap implementations, which use logical equality based on the equals() method of objects.

Overview of IdentityHashMap

In Java, the standard Map interface allows us to store key-value pairs. The most commonly used implementations are HashMap, TreeMap, and LinkedHashMap, which all compare keys based on the equals() method. However, there are certain scenarios where you might need to compare objects based on their identity rather than logical equality. This is where the IdentityHashMap comes into play.

Key Point: The IdentityHashMap uses == for key comparison, not equals().

When to Use IdentityHashMap?

While the traditional HashMap works in most cases, there are specific scenarios where the identity of an object matters more than its logical equality. Some examples include:

  • Object Identity Tracking: If you want to maintain a map that checks for reference equality, such as in situations where you are tracking the same physical object across multiple data structures.
  • Weak Identity Comparisons: If you’re using weak references or performing memory-sensitive operations where you care more about the reference being the same rather than the content.
  • Caching and Object Identity: When you need to implement a caching mechanism that tracks objects by their identity, not their content.

How Does IdentityHashMap Work?

The internal mechanism of the IdentityHashMap relies on the fact that Java uses reference equality for object comparisons when the == operator is used. Here’s an overview:

  • Keys Comparison: When comparing keys, IdentityHashMap uses the == operator, checking if both references point to the same object in memory.
  • Hash Function: The hash function is based on the System.identityHashCode() method, which returns a hash code that is specific to the object’s memory address.

This is in contrast to the regular HashMap, which compares objects based on their equals() method, meaning two different instances of a class with the same data can be considered equal in a regular map.

Code Example: Using IdentityHashMap

Let’s go through a simple code example to understand how an IdentityHashMap works:

import java.util.IdentityHashMap;

public class IdentityHashMapExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create two different String objects with the same value
        String str1 = new String("Hello");
        String str2 = new String("Hello");
        // Create an IdentityHashMap
        IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap<>();
        // Put the two strings in the map
        map.put(str1, "Value1");
        map.put(str2, "Value2");
        // Print the contents of the map
        System.out.println("Map contents: " + map);
        // Check if both keys are considered the same
        System.out.println("Are the keys equal? " + (str1 == str2));

Output of the code:

Map contents: {Hello=Value1, Hello=Value2}
Are the keys equal? false

In this example, we created two different String objects with the same value (“Hello”). In a normal HashMap, the second str2 would overwrite the first, since both have the same value. However, in the IdentityHashMap, both entries are retained because the keys are compared using reference equality, not value equality. Therefore, str1 and str2 are considered distinct objects due to different references, even though they hold identical values.

Important Features of IdentityHashMap

  • Reference Equality: As mentioned, IdentityHashMap uses the == operator for key comparison, which checks if the memory references of the objects are identical.
  • Hashing Mechanism: The hash code for the objects in IdentityHashMap is derived using System.identityHashCode(), which returns a hash value based on the actual memory address of the object.
  • Null Keys and Values: It allows null values and keys, just like HashMap.
  • Not Synchronized: Like HashMap, it is not synchronized, which means it is not thread-safe by default.

Performance Considerations

While the IdentityHashMap offers a distinct way of comparing keys, it also comes with some performance implications:

  • Memory Usage: Since IdentityHashMap maintains the actual reference of the object for comparison, it can have slightly higher memory overhead than a regular HashMap.
  • Speed: The time complexity of operations such as put(), get(), and remove() is generally O(1) on average, just like HashMap. However, the comparison of keys using == may make the operations slightly faster in some cases compared to equals().

Key Differences Between IdentityHashMap and HashMap

To summarize the differences between IdentityHashMap and HashMap:

Feature IdentityHashMap HashMap
Key Comparison Reference equality (==) Logical equality (equals())
Hash Function System.identityHashCode() Object.hashCode() (depends on object implementation)
Use Case When object identity matters When logical equality matters


The IdentityHashMap is an essential tool in Java for cases where reference equality is critical, and the traditional HashMap does not suffice. Whether you are managing object identities or working with a custom object reference-based cache, IdentityHashMap can offer a specialized and efficient solution. Understanding its functionality and differences from regular maps can help you make more informed decisions when choosing the appropriate map implementation for your application.

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